My bulb is the symbol of my womanhood and pleasure.
How dare you suggest that the sins and flaws of your gender are the fruit of my bulb!
What possesses you to vilify my point of pleasure simply because it measures and signifies your prowess and ability.
How insecure is your gender that you use religion and culture to deny my sexual expression, esteem and indeed my femininity.
Understand this, I am more that my bulb.
Your sexist insecurities will not make me a dull blade with your sharp blade and barbaric ways.
I am a WOMAN, your better half. I am what defines YOU. I am your plight in life. It is with me by your side that YOU are complete.
With my love, you are nurtured; with my bulb, you are pleasured. The rewards of my bulb empower you and make you King.
Respect my bulb, Love my bulb.
She will reward you.
gotta respect the bulb and love the bulb..very nicely written. I was trying to see if it passed of as written by male or female. Not sure yet..maybe i have to scrutinize all underlining tones.
Femi B stopped by my page and told me to check this poem out. I am glad I did. I am very interested in the subject of Female Circumcision/Female Genital Mutilation.
This is my question to you-aside from the sexist reasons that allow this practice to perpetuate, what about the women who have experienced it and continue to advocate it?
Very nice poem. Will be back to re-read it.
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