Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I don't love you anymore.

Even though the look in my eyes as I gaze upon you says that I want you……. I don’t.
Even though the smile on my lips says “I can’t wait to kiss you” ………… I can.
Even though my arms beg to be reminded of the feel of your body against mine ……….I have forgotten.
Even though my tongue craves the flavor of your mouth…………… I will not savor.
Even though my heart remembers the heat of our romance, strength of our passion and lust of our attraction …………I am ignorant.
So gone is the familiarity my soul once so shared with you. Replaced in its stead is a vague recollection of acquaintance.
Love is replaced with indifference.
No longer does the sway of your hips, the wind of your curves nor the purr of your voice ignite in me a fire in my loins satisfied by the rewards of your sex.
I don’t love you anymore and I don’t want you anymore. I don’t crave you anymore and I don’t need you anymore.
I don’t do you like this anymore. I used to but not anymore.
What I like about you, are the memories of our past. The best thing you can do for me is stay in my past.


Anonymous said...

Ouch. Very passionate, and very painful. I'm sorry you feel this way, but you articulated it very well. It doesn't sound angry, just very definitive.

FineBoy Agbero said...

ahn-ahn? Just like dat' dem no dey tell person say I no Love u no more o!!!

But i like d post sha; d beginnin had some impact: d facts and d rebuttals. Nice...

Anonymous said...

Could it be that the lover is trying to CONVINCE himself that he doesn't love this person any more? Any time someone is in your system... it's not that easy to get them out. I invision the two meeting face to face...the chemistry between them out weighs his attempts to be "hard"...they reconcile.